She's Clearly a Bad Influence On Herself: (if I can't see you, you can't see me)
She's Clearly a Bad Influence On Herself: even if i DID have a bagel in my mouth (which I don't) you still love me because I'm super-cute, right?
She's Clearly a Bad Influence On Herself: i'm a wild beast, scavenging for survival!!! (the carpeting is just an illusion: I'm really skulking through a forest)
She's Clearly a Bad Influence On Herself: scene of the crime (he'd periodically drop the bagel to rest his jaws)
She's Clearly a Bad Influence On Herself: maybe I can put the fact that mom's a slob who doesn't make her bed to good use...
She's Clearly a Bad Influence On Herself: ...maybe over by the air conditioning unit..?
She's Clearly a Bad Influence On Herself: *whistle**whistle* nothin to see here, just passin through.
She's Clearly a Bad Influence On Herself: no, in fact I do NOT have a bagel.