kevinrubin: The first skaters in the Broadway Bomb going passing by City Hall Park.
kevinrubin: A skater in the Broadway Bomb going by me at City Hall. This is after he saw me with my camera...
kevinrubin: A skater in the Broadway Bomb going through foot traffic passing City Hall Park and Park Place.
kevinrubin: Skaters in the Broadway Bomb passing City Hall Park and Park Place.
kevinrubin: Skaters in the Broadway Bomb passing City Hall Park and Park Place.
kevinrubin: Skaters videoing in the Broadway Bomb, going by City Hall Park and Park Place in Downtown Manhattan.
kevinrubin: Skaters videoing in the Broadway Bomb, going by City Hall Park and Park Place in Downtown Manhattan.
kevinrubin: A skater, with blood on his face, in the Broadway Bomb passing City Hall Park and Park Place.
kevinrubin: Skaters in the Broadway Bomb passing City Hall Park and Park Place.
kevinrubin: A skater skitching in the Broadway Bomb going by City Hall Park in Downtown Manhattan.
kevinrubin: A skater in the Broadway Bomb passing City Hall Park and Park Place.
kevinrubin: A skater in the Broadway Bomb passing City Hall Park and Park Place.
kevinrubin: A skater in the Broadway Bomb passing City Hall Park and Park Place.
kevinrubin: A skater in the Broadway Bomb going through foot traffic passing City Hall Park and Park Place.
kevinrubin: Skaters in the Broadway Bomb passing City Hall Park and Park Place.
kevinrubin: A skater, George, in the Broadway Bomb passing City Hall Park and Park Place.
kevinrubin: A skater in the Broadway Bomb passing City Hall Park and Park Place.
kevinrubin: A skater, with some kind of ambulance siren horn, in the Broadway Bomb passing City Hall Park and Park Place.
kevinrubin: A skater in the Broadway Bomb passing City Hall Park and Park Place.
kevinrubin: A skater in the Broadway Bomb passing City Hall Park and Park Place.
kevinrubin: A skater in the Broadway Bomb passing City Hall Park and Park Place.
kevinrubin: A skater in the Broadway Bomb passing City Hall Park and Park Place.
kevinrubin: A skater in the Broadway Bomb passing City Hall Park and Park Place.
kevinrubin: A skater in the Broadway Bomb passing City Hall Park and Park Place.
kevinrubin: Skaters in the Broadway Bomb passing City Hall Park and Park Place.
kevinrubin: Skaters in the Broadway Bomb passing City Hall Park and Park Place.
kevinrubin: A skater in the Broadway Bomb passing City Hall Park and Park Place.
kevinrubin: A skater in the Broadway Bomb passing City Hall Park and Park Place.
kevinrubin: Skaters in the Broadway Bomb passing City Hall Park and Park Place.
kevinrubin: A skater in the Broadway Bomb passing City Hall Park and Park Place.