kevinrubin: Simon and the Bar Sinisters playing at the Punk Rock Festival in Tompkins Square Park. The first half of their set was good old hardcore punk, then they got into some bar-band style stuff and closed with an instrumental surf song.
kevinrubin: Skitzopolis Unplugged on stage at the Tompkins Square Park annual Punk Rock Festival.
kevinrubin: The Drew Stone Hit Squad on stage, with acoustic guitars, playing a variety of tunes, some hardcore punk, some Grateful Dead, some Social Distortion and what-not.
kevinrubin: No Police State Girl on stage giving a spoken word poetry protest against the growing police state. The guy in the purple was giving her some non-verbal accompaniment, but didn't seem to have a clear idea what to do.
kevinrubin: Goings on in Tompkins Square Park near the Punk Rock Festival.
kevinrubin: Goings on in Tompkins Square Park near the Punk Rock Festival.
kevinrubin: Indian newlyweds in Tompkins Square Park for wedding photography.
kevinrubin: Skitzopolis Unplugged on stage at the Tompkins Square Park annual Punk Rock Festival.
kevinrubin: Simon and the Bar Sinisters playing at the Punk Rock Festival in Tompkins Square Park. The first half of their set was good old hardcore punk, then they got into some bar-band style stuff and closed with an instrumental surf song. Simon introduced himse
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kevinrubin: People in Tompkins Square Park for the Punk Rock Festival.
kevinrubin: People in Tompkins Square Park for the Punk Rock Festival.
kevinrubin: Leena posting some photos of the Punk Rock Festival in Tompkins Square Park.
kevinrubin: Leena posting some photos of the Punk Rock Festival in Tompkins Square Park.
kevinrubin: A guy enjoying the Punk Rock Festival in Tompkins Square Park.
kevinrubin: Leena posting some photos of the Punk Rock Festival in Tompkins Square Park.
kevinrubin: People in Tompkins Square Park for the Punk Rock Festival.
kevinrubin: People in Tompkins Square Park for the Punk Rock Festival.
kevinrubin: People in Tompkins Square Park for the Punk Rock Festival.
kevinrubin: Signs in front of the stage during the Punk Rock Festival in Tompkins Square Park.
kevinrubin: Leena up getting some photos of a band in the Punk Rock Festival in Tompkins Square Park.
kevinrubin: Leena up getting some photos of a band in the Punk Rock Festival in Tompkins Square Park.
kevinrubin: Leena up getting some photos of a band in the Punk Rock Festival in Tompkins Square Park.
kevinrubin: People in Tompkins Square Park for the Punk Rock Festival.
kevinrubin: A band on stage at the Punk Rock Festival in Tompkins Square Park.
kevinrubin: A band on stage at the Punk Rock Festival in Tompkins Square Park.