kevinrubin: Photographers and models on the High Line.
kevinrubin: This guy was going up 10th Avenue with some antique looking luggage.
kevinrubin: People in Washington Square Park. The guy on the bench seems to be eyeing that couple by the tree…
kevinrubin: Where's Waldo in Union Square
kevinrubin: Washington Square Fountain
kevinrubin: 9th Avenue from 49th Street in Hell’s Kitchen. The nearest intersection to our apartment.
kevinrubin: Colorful plastic ties on the fence at a garden on W. 48th Street, between 8th & 9th Avenues.
kevinrubin: Colorful plastic ties on the fence at a garden on W. 48th Street, between 8th & 9th Avenues.
kevinrubin: Looking down 8th Avenue from 48th Street on a harshly sunlit afternoon.
kevinrubin: Turned around, looking up 8th Avenue from 48th Street.
kevinrubin: Sunlit fire escape at the back of a building on W. 49th Street.
kevinrubin: Looking south into Times Square from Broadway & 47th Street. That subway entrance on the left is the one I use most work morning.
kevinrubin: The red steps in Times Square atop the TKTS ticket sellers. The cars reflected off the glass are heading south on 7th Avenue.
kevinrubin: Artwork on a building by Times Square.
kevinrubin: Sun and shadows of the concrete canyon at Times Square.
kevinrubin: Crossing 46th Street in Times Square.
kevinrubin: A chain at a parking garage entrance on 45th Street near 6th Avenue.
kevinrubin: Looking down 6th Avenue from 44th Street.
kevinrubin: Someone’s property line on 6th Avenue.
kevinrubin: A fountain in front of a fancy office building on 6th Avenue.
kevinrubin: The view over Bryant Park.
kevinrubin: The 42nd Street - Bryant Park subway entrance/exit next to the Bank of America Tower.
kevinrubin: Looking east on 42nd Street from 6th Avenue.
kevinrubin: Looking east on 42nd Street from 6th Avenue.
kevinrubin: Running across 40th Street by Braynt Park.
kevinrubin: Looking down 5th Avenue from around 37th Street. Or maybe 38th?
kevinrubin: A guy taking care of his grooming in the restaurant’s mirror finished exterior.
kevinrubin: Older buildings low down and newer ones higher up , from Madison Avenue.
kevinrubin: Faded, old ads painted on the side of an old building.
kevinrubin: Some kind of bird sculpture in front of an office building on Madison Avenue.