rhymeswithbombs: second morning view
rhymeswithbombs: few sounds but the water and the birds
rhymeswithbombs: overhead
rhymeswithbombs: pumping/filtering water
rhymeswithbombs: suppertime dingdongs
rhymeswithbombs: whittling
rhymeswithbombs: along Sutton Creek
rhymeswithbombs: beer in creek: check. boy with stick: check.
rhymeswithbombs: a new dent for the RAV4
rhymeswithbombs: action shot
rhymeswithbombs: first morning view
rhymeswithbombs: fire, whittling
rhymeswithbombs: in the trees and the long grass
rhymeswithbombs: tent site