Gray Moon Gallery: Tyne Cot - in English
Gray Moon Gallery: De Letterschuur - poessay Tyne Cot
Gray Moon Gallery: Yperite - english -
Gray Moon Gallery: Yperite by Jan Theuninck, 2004 - WW1
Gray Moon Gallery: Polygon Wood - in english
Gray Moon Gallery: Polygon Wood, 5th Australian Division
Gray Moon Gallery: Passiondale by Jan Theuninck, 2011
Gray Moon Gallery: Passchendaele 1917 by Jan Theuninck, 2010 - WW1
Gray Moon Gallery: Poilu - in english
Gray Moon Gallery: The Brooding Soldier - Memorial to the Canadians at Vancouver Corner (Langemark, Belgium)
Gray Moon Gallery: Hill 60 - in english -
Gray Moon Gallery: Hill 60 by Jan Theuninck, 2006 - WW1
Gray Moon Gallery: Boyau de la Mort
Gray Moon Gallery: Boyau de la Mort by Jan Theuninck
Gray Moon Gallery: Shot at dawn
Gray Moon Gallery: Execution Pole by Jan Theuninck, 2018
Gray Moon Gallery: Plugstreet - in english
Gray Moon Gallery: Renewable History (assisted postcard by Jan Theuninck, 2012)
Gray Moon Gallery: Pool of Peace WW1 by Jan Theuninck, 2012 - WW1
Gray Moon Gallery: Vimy Ridge - in english
Gray Moon Gallery: Irish Peace Tower in Mesen - Messines, Belgium
Gray Moon Gallery: Whitesheets - in english -
Gray Moon Gallery: Flanders Fields by Jan Theuninck, 2012 - WW1
Gray Moon Gallery: Kunstmagazine nr 6 b - anno 2020 / Jan Theuninck
Gray Moon Gallery: Poessay "Tyne Cot" van Jan Theuninck (bibliotheek Zonnebeke) - WW1
Gray Moon Gallery: Australian Lt Lee Scott at Polygon Wood
Gray Moon Gallery: 1914-1918 Battlefields - 2014-2018 Goldfields(assisted postcard by Jan Theuninck)
Gray Moon Gallery: Jan Theuninck visiting WW1 mud sculpture by Rob Buelens at Pondfarm in Flanders Fields
Gray Moon Gallery: Belgian painter Jan Theuninck visiting Talbot House