rebelpacket: Starting Out
rebelpacket: Sacramento River
rebelpacket: Vineyards
rebelpacket: Rain Gear
rebelpacket: San Francisco
rebelpacket: Downtown San Fran
rebelpacket: Steep streets
rebelpacket: IMG_2959
rebelpacket: Golden Gate
rebelpacket: Across The Gate
rebelpacket: Requisite MySpace Couple Photo
rebelpacket: Outside Marin County, on the PCH
rebelpacket: Outside Marin County, on the PCH
rebelpacket: MySpace Photo, just outside Bodega Bay
rebelpacket: Nice looking coastline through the PCH.
rebelpacket: More Coastline
rebelpacket: Looking north up the PCH
rebelpacket: Ocean was raging that day.
rebelpacket: Kait's sick dance moves!
rebelpacket: Always taking photos
rebelpacket: North of Bodega Bay, on the PCH
rebelpacket: More Coastline Shots
rebelpacket: The Beemer as the sun sets
rebelpacket: Curves, endless Curves
rebelpacket: First Nights Camp
rebelpacket: Warming up our feet
rebelpacket: Why you make me ride so long?
rebelpacket: Drive Through Tree
rebelpacket: "Drive Through Tree"
rebelpacket: Some nice looking lake