geishacookie: Princess Saturday
geishacookie: Princess Saturday!
geishacookie: Princess Saturday!
geishacookie: Azone Clothes on a DDS Body
geishacookie: Azone Clothes on a DDS Body
geishacookie: Azone Clothes on a DDS Body
geishacookie: Azone Clothes on a DDS Body
geishacookie: P. Saturday at the beach!
geishacookie: P. Saturday at the beach!
geishacookie: Dollfie dream x Azone 50 - Does it fit? Follow-up
geishacookie: Dollfie dream x Azone 50 - Does it fit? Follow-up
geishacookie: Saturday in her room
geishacookie: Saturday with new eyes and wig!
geishacookie: Saturday with new eyes and wig!
geishacookie: Saturday with new eyes and wig!
geishacookie: Saturday with new eyes and wig!
geishacookie: Can't seem to settle on a style for Saturday
geishacookie: Saturday is a strawberry blonde now!
geishacookie: Happy Holidays!
geishacookie: Oh! Hello!
geishacookie: Princess Saturday has a new look!
geishacookie: Its such a pretty day today!
geishacookie: I'm off!
geishacookie: Headed out!
geishacookie: Hey Friday!
geishacookie: Pink hair Saturday
geishacookie: Pink hair Saturday