Captured by Alex...:
Love is like the wind...
Captured by Alex...:
You've got mail...(quotes)
Captured by Alex...:
Captured by Alex...:
"Why climb Mt. Everest? Because it's there." -George Mallory
Captured by Alex...:
Captured by Alex...:
Let's never come here again because it will never be as much fun. " - Lost in translation
Captured by Alex...:
37/365..“Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.”-Robert Frost
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"This trial...the whole's business." - Chicago (84/365)
Captured by Alex...:
97/365 "All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players"
Captured by Alex...:
101/365 You're the only one who've touched my heart. It will always be yours".
Captured by Alex...:
100/365 "Some things are true whether you believe in them or not"
Captured by Alex...:
We spend our whole lives worrying about the future, trying to predict the future.
Captured by Alex...:
Doctors spend a lot of time focused on the future, planning it, working toward it.
Captured by Alex...:
About luck...