Maj Nathan Miller & Lt Frank Weisser, soloists
Cdr Greg McWherter gives a thumbs up as he taxis out
Lt Mark Swinger gets low for the small fans
The Blues relax
Maj Nathan Miller looks like he's blowing a kiss
Maj Chris Collins waves
Lcdr Paul Brantuas signs autographs
Maj Chris Collins
Lcdr Paul Brantuas departing with a wave
Frank Weisser gets into cockpit
Lt Frank Weisser
Done with the show
Maj Chris Collins returns
Cdr Greg McWherter getting into cockpit
Cdr Greg McWherter
Cdr McWherter talks to the fans
Announcer LT Ben Walborn getting help from LT Amy Tomlinson
#1 Blue Angel, The Boss, CDR Greg McWherter
#2 Blue Angel LCDR Paul Brantuas signs posters for his fans
#3 Blue Angel Maj Chris Collins
The Blue Angels show their stuff
Soloists doing a tail stand
Blue Angels breaking out of the diamond
More formations
More tight formations
Blue Angels fly "dirty"
Soloists 5 and 6 pass
Super close
The tight diamond formation
Maj Nathan Miller takes off