juliayncolemanphoto: Sharp Park beach has yellow flowers
juliayncolemanphoto: Sun shining on the distant mountainside
juliayncolemanphoto: Surf crashing in Pacifica
juliayncolemanphoto: That abandoned house thingy that reminds me of House on the Rock
juliayncolemanphoto: Pelican convention in Half Moon Bay... our group only had three
juliayncolemanphoto: Captain says, "Don't take my picture!"
juliayncolemanphoto: Gazos Creek Road
juliayncolemanphoto: Alice on Gazos Creek
juliayncolemanphoto: Ely on Gazos
juliayncolemanphoto: Sun is out!! The vistas open up on highway 1.
juliayncolemanphoto: I break away and take the Davenport city limit sign... sweet, sweet reward.
juliayncolemanphoto: Oceanside farms growing lotsa pumpkins
juliayncolemanphoto: Bike pile one way...
juliayncolemanphoto: ...bike pile the other way. With unicorn and magical coffee.
juliayncolemanphoto: We heart Ugly Mug
juliayncolemanphoto: Captain says heLLo, Ely inspects his bee sting
juliayncolemanphoto: puppies!!! up for adoption at Ugly Mug, call 'em!
juliayncolemanphoto: We arrive at the Summit Market
juliayncolemanphoto: Great Bear is great!
juliayncolemanphoto: Nice day, happy riders
juliayncolemanphoto: Captain is inspired by the spirit of Jane Heine to adjust Ely's crank for the photo.
juliayncolemanphoto: Our team, our bikes...