dunniway: Yosemite Falls with 2012 Jeep Larado-darkroom and portable Silipigni darkroom rig
dunniway: Skip Lind at Yosemite Falls with 2nd darkroom
dunniway: Emily Hall with plate at Washburn Point
dunniway: Danielle Hankin prepares plate as Larry Moniot at left and Iswanto looks on
dunniway: View from 7,500 ft. Washburn Point. Yosemite
dunniway: Posed at Washburn Point
dunniway: Dave Wooten with EA Anthony camera
dunniway: Bob Szabo assists Skip Lind
dunniway: On top of Yosemite
dunniway: Raven-Crow
dunniway: Waiting their turn to shoot
dunniway: My darkroom trailer with Rika Agrippina Soerjanto and Larry Moniot
dunniway: Skip Lind living a dream or two.
dunniway: Glass negatives adding up
dunniway: Dave Wooten working
dunniway: More plates
dunniway: Danielle Hankin with Ted Roberts and Julie Gervais
dunniway: Larry Moniot at Half Dome view
dunniway: A few pose at Washburn Point
dunniway: Will Dunniway at Washburn Point
dunniway: James Burgess photographs Iswanto and Rika Agrippina Soerjanto
dunniway: Iswanto and Rika Agrippina Soerjanto with Half Dome in distance
dunniway: Iswanto on top of the world
dunniway: Bob Szabo and Ted Roberts shows off glass negative
dunniway: Comparing notes
dunniway: Silipigni Portable Darkroom
dunniway: Inside Silipigni Darkroom
dunniway: Camera shy, Christine Healy
dunniway: Rika Agrippina Soerjanto and Iswanto Soerjanto from Indonesa show their colors
dunniway: Will & Frances Dunniway with mammoth camera on Merced River