dunniway: Will and Chris. Columbia.jpg
dunniway: Us at the Tibbitts House in Columbia, California
dunniway: Jim Miller and historic California flags.JPG
dunniway: Frances on Sequoia stump.JPG
dunniway: Will at Big Trees root ball.JPG
dunniway: My cousin, Merinna Wesely and Frances
dunniway: Howard Wesely at base of giant Sequoias.JPG
dunniway: Buff moving away.JPG
dunniway: Bufford the bull with cousin, Jordan Brown.JPG
dunniway: Bufford the bull_0342.JPG
dunniway: Cousin, Jordan Brown with cranky dead bear.JPG
dunniway: Big Buffalo Bull_0357.JPG
dunniway: Charlie & Marilyn Brown.JPG
dunniway: Explaining process.JPG
dunniway: Point Arena Lighthouse, California.JPG
dunniway: Dinner at the Peebles.JPG
dunniway: Frances at the Peebles.JPG
dunniway: Driftwood at Cresent City, California.JPG
dunniway: Will at Battery Point Lighthouse_0399.JPG
dunniway: Will at Battery Point Lighthouse.JPG
dunniway: Dump lodging outside Crater Lake.JPG
dunniway: Crater Lake Lodge fireplace.JPG
dunniway: Crater Lake with Wizard Island
dunniway: Crater Lake Lodge view with Matt Folz, Manager.JPG
dunniway: Will & Frances at Crater Lake
dunniway: Crater Lake, Discovery Point.JPG
dunniway: Britt Crater Lake 1874.jpg
dunniway: Terry & Ben Bello.JPG
dunniway: WW2 half track buried in blackberry vines.JPG
dunniway: Joe Bello at Airport Steel.JPG