Leticia Barr @TechSavvyMama: National Urban League Centennial Convention
Leticia Barr @TechSavvyMama: Blogalicious Press Pool
Leticia Barr @TechSavvyMama: Live blogging via Tweets
Leticia Barr @TechSavvyMama: Outside the press room
Leticia Barr @TechSavvyMama: @Minky & @RockandRollMama
Leticia Barr @TechSavvyMama: @ThenAgainPhotography & Parenting By Dummies Amanda
Leticia Barr @TechSavvyMama: @ThenAgainPhoto @TechSavvyMama @Minky @RockandRollMama
Leticia Barr @TechSavvyMama: Coveted Press Pass with White House Press Pool credential!
Leticia Barr @TechSavvyMama: Security Line II
Leticia Barr @TechSavvyMama: @JusticeFergie and @Justice Ny, MamaLaw Ladies and Blogalicious founders
Leticia Barr @TechSavvyMama: Best Souvenir Ever
Leticia Barr @TechSavvyMama: Anxious crowd awaits President
Leticia Barr @TechSavvyMama: Fergie and Ny get their Tweet on
Leticia Barr @TechSavvyMama: Me & my super large press pass
Leticia Barr @TechSavvyMama: Rejoicing to President Obama's arrival onstage
Leticia Barr @TechSavvyMama: National Urban League's Marc Morial
Leticia Barr @TechSavvyMama: I could have fallen off the press platform!
Leticia Barr @TechSavvyMama: @Minky and Mr. President
Leticia Barr @TechSavvyMama: President Barack Obama
Leticia Barr @TechSavvyMama: President Barack Obama