The Brit_2: The Norwegian Jade
The Brit_2: Norwegian Jade Life Boats
The Brit_2: Sitting Area
The Brit_2: Bedroom & Sitting Area
The Brit_2: Barcelona Harbor
The Brit_2: Out to the Balcony
The Brit_2: Goodbye Barcelona
The Brit_2: Dusk approaches Spain
The Brit_2: Spanish Sunset
The Brit_2: The Sun goes down over Spain
The Brit_2: Sunset over the Spanish Coast
The Brit_2: Churning up the water
The Brit_2: View off the back of the ship
The Brit_2: Glass Flowers
The Brit_2: Glass Flower Ceiling
The Brit_2: Aloha Bar
The Brit_2: Police Boat
The Brit_2: The Three Amigos
The Brit_2: Boot of Italy
The Brit_2: Italian Hills
The Brit_2: Boot of Italy
The Brit_2: Boot of Italy
The Brit_2: Boot of Italy
The Brit_2: Norwegian Jade in Pireus
The Brit_2: Sunset over Pireus
The Brit_2: Sunset over Pireus
The Brit_2: Sunset over Pireus
The Brit_2: Jade in Izmir
The Brit_2: Norwegian Jade in Izmir