The Brit_2: In Front of the Black Bears Enclosure
The Brit_2: In Front of the Black Bears Enclosure
The Brit_2: Kangaroo Yard
The Brit_2: San Antonio Zoo Greenery
The Brit_2: Cactus Garden
The Brit_2: Cactus Garden
The Brit_2: Split Live Oak
The Brit_2: Palm Tree
The Brit_2: Palms Galore
The Brit_2: Africa Live Sign at the San Antonio Zoo
The Brit_2: Africa Live! 2
The Brit_2: Africa Live! 2 Outdoors
The Brit_2: Africa Live! 2 is almost ready
The Brit_2: Preparing Africa Live! 2
The Brit_2: Lion Family Statue at Zoo Entrance
The Brit_2: Komodo Dragon Hill
The Brit_2: Towards Crossroads Cafe
The Brit_2: Leopard's Lair
The Brit_2: Capybara Area
The Brit_2: Riverview Restaurant
The Brit_2: Towards Africa Live!
The Brit_2: Bridge at the Side of the Riverview Restaurant
The Brit_2: Aviary Entrance at Africa Live!
The Brit_2: Banana Tree in the Aviary at Africa Live!
The Brit_2: Palms outside the Africa Live! Aviary
The Brit_2: Aviary at Africa Live!
The Brit_2: Overlooking the Okapi Yard
The Brit_2: Path Towards Lory Landing
The Brit_2: Lower Level of the New Aviary
The Brit_2: Visitor at the Wolf Guenon's New Home