The Brit_2: Cathy Setting out the Fruitsicles
The Brit_2: Mei races to the fruitsicles
The Brit_2: Tai chases....but Mei's too fast!
The Brit_2: I'm a Pro at This!
The Brit_2: Wait! What's that over there?
The Brit_2: Looks like she got the only one
The Brit_2: Mom - did you leave one for me?
The Brit_2: Maybe there's one for me in here?
The Brit_2: Can't see anything in this corner..
The Brit_2: Is that a fruitsicle hiding from me?
The Brit_2: Can't feel one on this side....
The Brit_2: Maybe I'll find one in here
The Brit_2: Only way to find it - get in the bucket with the bag!
The Brit_2: If I leave it in the bag mommy won't see....
The Brit_2: Fruitsicle in a bag
The Brit_2: Bag Panda!
The Brit_2: Let me just climb in here...
The Brit_2: Deep breath!
The Brit_2: Look at the appowz in my fwootsicle!
The Brit_2: Fruitsicle 'stache!
The Brit_2: Happy Tai
The Brit_2: Gotta eat fast, before mommy comes!
The Brit_2: This is good!
The Brit_2: Ymmmm!
The Brit_2: Fruitsicle Time
The Brit_2: If I twist I can get that piece right there....
The Brit_2: 'Sicle Time!
The Brit_2: This is why we have claws!
The Brit_2: Pout!
The Brit_2: Mom! There aren't any left!