The Brit_2: More of Tai's cards
The Brit_2: Birthday cards for Tai
The Brit_2: Big enough lens?
The Brit_2: Lisa gets one of Yahlen's shirts
The Brit_2: Discovering the Gifts
The Brit_2: Panda Press
The Brit_2: Mom! What's that over there?
The Brit_2: Early setup at the zoo
The Brit_2: Mei Eyeing up the "1" !!!!
The Brit_2: Mei Xiang after Rolling in Fruitsicle Juice!
The Brit_2: Checking out my new pool!
The Brit_2: Even the construction workers were watching..
The Brit_2: Setting up the Fruitsicle
The Brit_2: Panda Paraphanalia!
The Brit_2: The Press Rushes In!!
The Brit_2: Browsing the Vendors....
The Brit_2: Interviewing Dr. Suzanne Murray
The Brit_2: Reaching for the Top
The Brit_2: Sharing....for now!
The Brit_2: Tai Admiring His Fruitsicle
The Brit_2: Mom, look! I'm almost as tall as my cake!
The Brit_2: Will my tongue stick?
The Brit_2: This is MY fruitsicle cake!
The Brit_2: The sign on top of the panda crate
The Brit_2: Panda Crate from FedEx
The Brit_2: Kris, Laurie
The Brit_2: Yahlen Presenting Lisa with $????
The Brit_2: Yahlen and her "Tub of Bribes"
The Brit_2: A Happy Lisa!
The Brit_2: Lisa getting her shirt