- Man from the North -: Winter Cemetery
- Man from the North -: Red Laser Martini
- Man from the North -: This is my story...
- Man from the North -: On my way home from the bar, I really had to go. Have no idea where I left my wheels though..
- Man from the North -: Windpower (Pinhole)
- Man from the North -: Have a seat, let´s take a ride
- Man from the North -: Winter Cemetery II
- Man from the North -: The Cross B/W
- Man from the North -: Light at night
- Man from the North -: Cross of iron
- Man from the North -: The old bridge b/w
- Man from the North -: The old bridge
- Man from the North -: Inside the belltower
- Man from the North -: The statue of Kyösti Kallio
- Man from the North -: Redscale landscape
- Man from the North -: Redscale winter beach
- Man from the North -: Red boathouse