long.paws: Ches 17. Glueing the puzzle joints.
long.paws: Ches 17. Glueing the puzzle joints.
long.paws: Ches 17. Glueing the puzzle joints.
long.paws: Hull panels glued up.
long.paws: IMG_4360
long.paws: IMG_4362
long.paws: IMG_4363
long.paws: IMG_4364
long.paws: IMG_4388
long.paws: IMG_4389
long.paws: IMG_4390
long.paws: IMG_4391
long.paws: IMG_4392
long.paws: IMG_4393
long.paws: IMG_4394
long.paws: IMG_4395
long.paws: IMG_4396
long.paws: IMG_4398
long.paws: IMG_4399
long.paws: IMG_4400
long.paws: IMG_4401
long.paws: IMG_4734Getting ready to glass the hull
long.paws: Getting ready to glass the hull
long.paws: Getting ready to glass the hull
long.paws: Getting ready to glass the hull
long.paws: Getting the glass in place
long.paws: Getting the glass in place
long.paws: Filling the weave.
long.paws: Filling the weave.
long.paws: Beveling the shear clamps