Jeff Wardeska: "One leg to stand on."
Jeff Wardeska: Moon and Reflection.
Jeff Wardeska: St. Augustine, FL Light House.
Jeff Wardeska: Cathedral Basilica of St. Augustine, FL
Jeff Wardeska: Fresnel Lens, used in light houses. I.
Jeff Wardeska: Light source as seen through the Fresnel Lens, I.
Jeff Wardeska: Light source seen through the Fresnel lens, II.
Jeff Wardeska: Ponce Inlet light House, 206 steps, up.
Jeff Wardeska: Ponce Inlet Light House.
Jeff Wardeska: Ponce Inlet Lighthouse, FL.
Jeff Wardeska: Actual Control Center for the Apollo Lunar program. Kennedy Space Center.
Jeff Wardeska: Touching a sample of lunar rock! Kennedy Space Center.
Jeff Wardeska: Lunar rock sample brought back to earth by Apollo 15. An igneous rock. Kennedy Space Center.
Jeff Wardeska: Apollo 14 Capsule. Kennedy Space Center.
Jeff Wardeska: IMG_1624
Jeff Wardeska: Black Skimmer
Jeff Wardeska: Sunrise I.
Jeff Wardeska: Sunrise II