jacquemart: St Kew, window detail
jacquemart: St Kew, St James
jacquemart: St Kew
jacquemart: St Kew
jacquemart: St Kew
jacquemart: St Kew
jacquemart: St Kew (Lady Chapel)
jacquemart: St Kew
jacquemart: St Kew
jacquemart: St Kew
jacquemart: St Kew
jacquemart: St Kew
jacquemart: St Kew, Passion Window
jacquemart: St James the Great, St Kew
jacquemart: St James the Great, St Kew
jacquemart: St James the Great, St Kew
jacquemart: St James the Great, St Kew
jacquemart: St James the Great, St Kew: The Deposition
jacquemart: St James the Great, St Kew: The Harrowing of Hell
jacquemart: St James the Great, St Kew: The Scourging
jacquemart: St James the Great, St Kew: The Betrayal of Judas
jacquemart: St James the Great, St Kew: Christ washes the feet of St Peter
jacquemart: St James the Great, St Kew: The Last Supper
jacquemart: St James the Great, St Kew: Christ in the Garden
jacquemart: St James the Great, St Kew: Way to Calvary
jacquemart: St James the Great, St Kew: Donors
jacquemart: St James the Great, St Kew: Donors
jacquemart: St James the Great, St Kew
jacquemart: St James the Great, St Kew: St Kew
jacquemart: St James the Great, St Kew: St Peter