jacquemart: Charles Babbage & Ada Lovelace, Steven Gregory, 2009
jacquemart: Charles Babbage & Ada Lovelace, Steven Gregory, 2009
jacquemart: Roger Bannister by Carl Payne, bronze, 2009
jacquemart: Roger Bannister by Carl Payne, bronze, 2009
jacquemart: Roger Bannister by Carl Payne, bronze, 2009
jacquemart: Jack Aubrey & Stephen Maturin, Jim Guy, 2004
jacquemart: Jack Aubrey & Stephen Maturin, Jim Guy, 2004
jacquemart: Jack Aubrey & Stephen Maturin, Jim Guy, 2004
jacquemart: Battle of Thermopylae by Michael Rizzello, 2006
jacquemart: Bench
jacquemart: Captain Cook by James Butler
jacquemart: Captain Cook and Joseph Banks by James Butler
jacquemart: Captain Cook and Joseph Banks by James Butler
jacquemart: The Beatles by Allan Sly, 2011
jacquemart: The Garden of Heroes & Villains, Warwickshire 256
jacquemart: The Garden of Heroes & Villains, Warwickshire 255
jacquemart: The Garden of Heroes & Villains, Warwickshire 218
jacquemart: The Garden of Heroes & Villains, Warwickshire 217
jacquemart: The Garden of Heroes & Villains, Warwickshire 214
jacquemart: The Garden of Heroes & Villains, Warwickshire 213
jacquemart: Durer's Rhinoceros by Andrew Sinclair, 2013
jacquemart: Durer's Rhinoceros by Andrew Sinclair, 2013
jacquemart: Bob Dylan & Woody Guthrie, Pam Taylor, (2003), bronze
jacquemart: Bob Dylan, Pam Taylor, (2003), bronze
jacquemart: Woody Guthrie, Pam Taylor, (2003), bronze
jacquemart: Vincent van Gogh, James Butler, (2002)
jacquemart: Robert Crumb by Robin Bell (2003), bronze
jacquemart: Robert Crumb by Robin Bell (2003), bronze
jacquemart: Grigory Potemkin, Anthony Stones, (2002)
jacquemart: Grigory Potemkin, Anthony Stones, (2002)