keribird: Loading CSI kits on the X
keribird: On the way to the CSI training
keribird: Arrived at Metroplan
keribird: Parking Lot Drills
keribird: Balanced Stopping
keribird: Cone Weave
keribird: Parking Lot Drills
keribird: Tight Turns
keribird: Demo on Colonial
keribird: Demo on Colonial
keribird: Chalk Drawing
keribird: Negotiating with merging traffic on Edgewater
keribird: Door Zone Demo
keribird: Chalk Drawing
keribird: Diagonal RR xing
keribird: Communicating to get space
keribird: Diagonal RR xing
keribird: Left on 17-92
keribird: Explaning Horatio at 17-92
keribird: Cyclestrian Onlookers
keribird: Intersection Approach
keribird: Intersection Approach
keribird: Lane Change
keribird: A Human in a Sea of Steel
keribird: Mighk
keribird: Demo on Horatio
keribird: Chalking Lee/17-92 & Webster
keribird: Demonstration on Lee
keribird: Demonstration on Lee
keribird: Chalking Orange & Clay