seequinerun: apr 001 Me and my official-looking badge
seequinerun: apr 002 Looking past the rowdy table I'm at
seequinerun: apr 003 Richard Dawkins!!!
seequinerun: apr 004 Elisabeth Cornwell takes the stage
seequinerun: apr 005 Elisabeth Cornwell of The Clergy Project
seequinerun: apr 006
seequinerun: apr 007 Sean Faircloth, the anti-nut
seequinerun: apr 008 Sean Faircloth, blurry
seequinerun: apr 009
seequinerun: apr 010
seequinerun: apr 011 Richard Dawkins or woodchuck?
seequinerun: apr 012 Trying to get a good shot of Dawkins, despite blurring
seequinerun: apr 013
seequinerun: apr 014
seequinerun: apr 015
seequinerun: apr 016
seequinerun: apr 017
seequinerun: apr 018
seequinerun: apr 019 Jerry DeWitt and Teresa and Dawkins
seequinerun: apr 020
seequinerun: apr 021 Former clergy and Dawkins
seequinerun: apr 022
seequinerun: apr 023 All five answer questions
seequinerun: apr 024
seequinerun: apr 025 Dawkins book signing
seequinerun: apr 026 Just hanging around Faircloth and Dawkins
seequinerun: apr 027 Me and Jerry DeWitt -- I am actually sitting down!
seequinerun: apr 028 In the getaway car!
seequinerun: apr 029 At Naan & Curry
seequinerun: apr 031 At the Newport High gym