seequinerun: eye 084
seequinerun: glue drips from ceilingpaper
seequinerun: gmc 001 Ferry ride
seequinerun: gmc 002 Going to Port Townsend
seequinerun: gmc 003 Another ferry
seequinerun: gmc 004 across the water
seequinerun: gmc 005 Lucas on Fery
seequinerun: gmc 006 Buildings in distance
seequinerun: gmc 007 What city is that?
seequinerun: gmc 008 Port Townsend
seequinerun: gmc 009 Ghengis Jason Baxter!
seequinerun: gmc 010 The porch
seequinerun: gmc 011 Cosey Mo's dress in the tree
seequinerun: gmc 012 Ferrari engine!
seequinerun: gmc 013 A nice view from the restaurant
seequinerun: gmc 014 Restaurant
seequinerun: gmc 015 Our table
seequinerun: gmc 016 Three cruise ships in the distance
seequinerun: gmc 017 Watchin' the ships
seequinerun: gmc 018 Over that a way
seequinerun: gmc 019 Over this a way
seequinerun: gmc 023 Wonkyfoot tracks!
seequinerun: gmc 025 Da beach
seequinerun: gmc 026 Birds on the beach, too
seequinerun: gmc 027 Seagull 1
seequinerun: gmc 028 Seagull 2
seequinerun: gmc 029 Seagull 3
seequinerun: gmc 030 Seagull 4
seequinerun: gmc 031 Seagull 5
seequinerun: gmc 032 Seagull 6