7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
7th Surgical Hospital Patch Vietnam 1966 by Jackie Hughes
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
Sp-4 James Montgomery sitting in the Pharmacy which was a Conex Box at the 7th Surgical Hospital at CuChi 1966 by Gilcrease
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
Packing up Central Material Supply to move to Blackhorse Vietnam 1967 (from left to right) Sp-4 Charles Patrick (Georgia), Sp-4 Jesse Melton (SC), Sp-4 Gary Gilmore (MN), and two OR Techs from the 45th Medical Detachment
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
7th MASH CuChi Mess Hall
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
7th MASH CuChi Mess Hall after construction 1966
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
7th MASH Hos. HQ - CuChi 1966
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
A & D Q-Hut 7th Surg CuChi by Gilcrease
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
Sp-4 James Montgomery repairing a Field Autoclave at the 7th Surgical Hospital, Cu Chi, Vietnam 1966
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
Actually he only had a minor wound - LUCKY - CuChi 1966 Chester Sarama is holding the helment.
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
Bulletin Board 7th Surgical Hospital CuChi 1966
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
7th Surgical Hospital CQ Duty Cu Chi, Vietnam - Sp-5 Bill Harrell from Charlotte, NC 12/24/1966 Christmas Eve
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
CuChi 1966 Joe Kierstead off duty by Kierstead
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
7th Surgocal Hospital, CuChi, Vietnam 1966 - Sp-4 Joe Kierstead and James Glover by Kierstead.
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
7th Surgical Hospital, CuChi, Vietnam 1966 James Liso, Braddock, and Joe Kierstead by Kierstead
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
Doctor's quarters 7th Surg CuChi by Gilcrease
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
Doctor's quarters 7th Surg Hos CuChi X-mas 1966 by Gilcrease
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
Helicopter pad & EM tents at 7th Surg CuChi by Gilcrease
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
Sp-4 James Liso from New Fairfield, Connecticut filling the shower tanks at 7th Surg CuChi Vietnam by Gilcrease
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
M151 Jeep, 7th Surgical Hospital (MA) at CuChi, Vietnam 1967
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
Mess Hall & Helicopter pad at 7th Surg CuChi by Gilcrease
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
Sp-4 James Montgomery repairing a burner unit on an autoclave at 7th Surgical Hospital, Cu Chi, Vietnam 1966
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
Officer's Quarters CO & XO 7th Surg CuChi by Gilcrease
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
OR Q-Hut on left, Doctor's quarters on the right by Gilcrease
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
Packing to Move - Cu Chi to Xuan Loc
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
Packing up CMS - Sam Ross & Jerry Bartsch - CuChi 1967
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
piss tube (before Nurses) at 7th Surg CuChi by Gilcrease
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
Q-Huts 7th Surg CuChi (E-5 tent is at the end of the sidewalk) by Gilcrease
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
Q-Huts 7th Surg CuChi X-mas 1966 (OR at right) by Gilcrease
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
Q-huts 7th Surg Hospital (MA) CuChi by Gilcrease
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam:
smoke from bombing near CuChi 1966 by Gilcrease