7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: Sp-6 Jerry Bartsch and SFC Paul Jones at the opening of our Operating Rooms & Surgery 7th Surgical Hospital CuChi Vietnam August 1966
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: Sp-6 Gerald Bartsch OR CuChi
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: Bill Harrell OR 7th MASH CuChi - sponge count chart to my right
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: Capt Chris Butler, Chief OR Nurse(L); 1st Lt Pat Wojdag, Surgical Nurse(C) & Sp-6 Gerald Bartsch, OR Tech(R) 1966, 7th Surgical, Vietnam
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: Capt Chris Butler, 1st Lt Pat Wojdag, Sp-6 Bartsch and Capt Wolf in CMS - 7th Surg Hos
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: Capt Wechsler's space - OR 7th MASH CuChi - 1966
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: CMS at night - 7th MASH - CuChi - 1966
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: Surgery at 7th Surg - CuChi - 1966
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: The OR table ready to go - 7th MASH - CuChi - 1966
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: Scrub Sink - 7th MASH
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: Scrub Sink Cu Chi 7th MASH 2
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: Capt Rosenberg in the back left hand side, Sp-4 Gary Ferguson Scrub Tech 7th MA
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: Drs Ron Rosenthal (R) & Greg Fisher (L) working on a small child's hand
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: Drs Ron Rosenthal (R) & Greg Fisher (L) working on a small child's hand - CuChi
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: The Ortho Team - Drs Michael Rosenberg, Greg Fisher & Ron Rosenthal working on a small child's hand at 7th Surgical Hospital, Cu Chi, Vietnam 1966
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: Garry Ferguson - OR Tech 7th MASH Cu Chi 66
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: Operating on a GSW Cu Chi 7th MASH
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: Sp-4 Gary Gilmore OR Tech from Minnesota - 7th Surgical Hospital, Cu Chi, Vietnam 1966
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: If you want to know what we did in Vietnam then enlarge and read this page. The surgical log book for 7th MASH at Cu Chi.
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: Lt Mary Lemieux - OR Nurse - 7th MASH CuChi 1966
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: OR at night 7th MASH CuChi 1966
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: Lt Col Neil H Baker CO 7th Surgical Hospital
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: Tropical Lightning News 25th Inf Div
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: A baby girl named Lao was born in the OR at the 7th Surgical Hospital (MA), CuChi, Vietnam during Operation Attleboro 1966 by Mary Lemieux
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: Capt Ronald Rosenthal, MC performing surgery at 7th Surgical Hospital Cu Chi 1966 by Mary Lemieux
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: Traumatic Amputation below the knee
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: Body Cast. Capt Greg Fisher, MC applying the cast with Sp-4 Garry Ferguson helping. 7th Surgical Hospital, Cu Chi, Vietnam 1966
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: 1st Lt Patricia Wojdag cleaning a small child's face during surgery at the 7th Surgical Hospital, Cu Chi, Vietnam 1966
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: Surgery at the 7th Surgical Hospital, Cu Chi, Vietnam 1966
7th Surgical Hospital (MA) Vietnam: Portable Operating Table at the 7th Surgical Hospital (MA), Cu Chi, Vietnam 1966