The original SimonB: Berol Colours 7
The original SimonB: Precious little in this office
The original SimonB: 1530 - 31 December 2013. Sales bargains.
The original SimonB: 10/365 Fierce
The original SimonB: 60/365 The return of the Milky Bar Kid.
The original SimonB: 72/365 Blown
The original SimonB: 112/365 It's back!
The original SimonB: 119/365 the wrong mouse
The original SimonB: 228/365 An apple a day
The original SimonB: 241/365 Waiting for Anthea
The original SimonB: I wonder where my boss has been on holiday...
The original SimonB: 345/365 And the Christmas chocolates have started arriving in the office
The original SimonB: On sale before Christmas. What madness is this?
The original SimonB: Procrastination? Me? Don't be daft...
The original SimonB: Sorry coke but I can still taste the sweetener and don't like it any more than diet or zero.