verbistheword: IA for Truth, with Louis Rosenfeld @louisrosenfeld #iac19 #sketchnotes
verbistheword: I’m Feeling Lucky: Building Great Search Experiences for Today’s Users, with Dan Newman @creativenewman #ias19 #sketchnotes
verbistheword: Personas Non Grata, with Kat King and Jacqueline Wolf #iac19 #sketchnotes
verbistheword: Strategic Alignment through Design: Bringing Everyone Along for the Ride at Disney Parks, with Ken Disbennett & Matthew Carthum #iac19 #sketchnotes
verbistheword: Avoiding Vapor Research: How to Plan, Capture, and Share User Research Effectively, with Sean McKay @connectfive #iac19 #sketchnotes
verbistheword: Using Navigation to Reframe What is Possible, with Anita Cheng #iac19 #sketchnotes
verbistheword: Reframing Selling as Problem Solving: How to better sell the value of what you do, with Amanda Ruzin #iac19 #sketchnotes
verbistheword: Designing for Neurodiversity: Accessibility for Alternative Cognitive Styles and Learning Disabilities, with Treyce Meredith #iac19 #sketchnotes
verbistheword: How to Start a Voice of the Customer Program (and Why You Should), with Vrinda Gupta and Joshua DeLung #iac19 #sketchnotes
verbistheword: Designing Against Domestic Abuse, with @epenzeymoog #iac19 #sketchnotes
verbistheword: Creating a Gateway for Purposeful Privacy Design, with Xinru Page and Pamela Wisniewski #iac19 #sketchnotes
verbistheword: Own Your Story, with @dlichaw #iac19 opening keynote
verbistheword: A Search for Authenticity: Telling the Truth about the Holocaust through Tourism, with Dan Reynolds
verbistheword: The Truth of Creation and the Creation of Truth, with Dustin Dixon
verbistheword: Three Philosophical Theories of Truth: Correspondence, Verificationist, and Fallibilist, with John Fennell
verbistheword: Pedagogy, Precision, and Porousness of Truth in the Age of Trump, with Stephanie Jones, Karla Erikson, and Sam Rebelsky, moderated by Maure Smith-Benanti
verbistheword: "In My Father's House are Many Mansions": Popes John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis on Truth in Other Religious Traditions, with Harold Kasimow
verbistheword: Red, White, and Blues: Black Women Speaking Truth to Power in Neo-Soul, with Lakesia Johnson
verbistheword: Be Careful What You Fall in Love With: Reflections by Ceramic Artist Bennett Bean '63
verbistheword: Liberal Arts in Prison Program, with Emily Guenther '07, Peter Thullen, Jason Darrah, Michael Cosby, and Clark Lingren
verbistheword: Alumni Assembly, featuring the Alumni Choir, Alumni Award recipients, and Grinnell President Raynard Kington
verbistheword: Information Culture, Closing Keynote, with @mjane_h #ias18 #sketchnotes
verbistheword: Can being African Make You a Bad Designer?, with @farai_uxguy #ias18 #sketchnotes
verbistheword: Why Do We Suck At Collaboration?, with @designingi ward #ias18 #sketchnotes
verbistheword: On Designing a Safe Environment, with @rams_mahalingham #ias18 #sketchnotes
verbistheword: The Woke Spectrum by @welivehereSTL #sketchnotes while at #ias18
verbistheword: Designing for Privacy in the Age of Digital Sharing, with @jennydove #ias18 #sketchnotes
verbistheword: Planning for Everything, with @morville #ias18 #sketchnotes
verbistheword: Put a Label on It: Navigation as Branding, with @Abby_the_IA and @Jennybento #ias18 #sketchnotes
verbistheword: A Noble, Logical Plan: Lessons from the 1909 Plan of Chicago, with @callahkate #ias18 #1909 #sketchnotes