verbistheword: Designing your Web App, with Piotr Steininger @polishprince
verbistheword: Front-end Badassery with Sass, with Jess Eldredge @jessabean #railsgirlsdc
verbistheword: Debugging, with Brock Wilcox
verbistheword: Intro to REST, with Tony Pitale @tpitale #railsgirlsdc
verbistheword: Bentobox exercise led by Pete Campbell @sumirolabs
verbistheword: Why? with Maria Gutierrez @mariagutierrez #railsgirlsdc
verbistheword: Keys to Business Success, with Karen Gillison @kgillison #railsgirlsdc
verbistheword: From There to Here, with Pamela Overman @pwnela #railsgirlsdc
verbistheword: Test Driven Development, with Jim Gay @saturnflyer #railsgirlsdc