verbistheword: 9am Friday: Ubiquitous Information Architecture with @morville
verbistheword: 10:45am Friday: Building a Design Culture with @bradcolbow
verbistheword: Brief History of New Media Art with @emenel
verbistheword: 2:30pm Friday: Building Bendable Content with @sara_ann_marie
verbistheword: 3:30pm Friday: Interaction Design through Mixology with @dafark8 #mwux12
verbistheword: 9:30am Saturday: Deeplocal is an Experiment with @deeplocal #mwux12
verbistheword: 10:45am Saturday: Negotiating your UX Career with @jayamorgan #mwux12
verbistheword: 11:30am Saturday: Working with Developers for Fun and Profit with @jackmoffett #mwux12
verbistheword: 1:45pm Saturday: A Lifetime of User Engagement with @gilesphillips #mwux12
verbistheword: 3:30pm Saturday: Customer Journeys: Designing for Disagreement with @boonerang #mwux12
verbistheword: 3:30pm Saturday: Establishing What Good Means with Performance Continuims with @danklyn #mwux12
verbistheword: 4:30pm Keynote with Richard Buchanan #mwux12
verbistheword: 1:45pm Friday: Digital Hoarding with @mgrocki #mwux12