bob.berch: In-flight sunset
bob.berch: Glasgow pedestrian map
bob.berch: Leaving Glasgow on the train
bob.berch: Leaving Glasgow on the train
bob.berch: Garelochhead
bob.berch: Loch Lomond
bob.berch: Ardlui station
bob.berch: National Park map
bob.berch: Crianlarich, Scotland
bob.berch: Crainlarich view
bob.berch: Crianlarich trails map
bob.berch: First night in Scotland
bob.berch: Charles
bob.berch: Birch Trees
bob.berch: Chaffinch
bob.berch: River Sign
bob.berch: River Fillan
bob.berch: Sheep farm
bob.berch: River Fillan
bob.berch: Broom
bob.berch: Gorse
bob.berch: By The Way Hostel
bob.berch: Tyndrum to Inveroran
bob.berch: Tyndrum to Inveroran
bob.berch: Tyndrum to Inveroran
bob.berch: Tyndrum to Inveroran
bob.berch: Tyndrum to Inveroran
bob.berch: Tyndrum to Inveroran
bob.berch: Tyndrum to Inveroran
bob.berch: Foxglove