Dhina A: Poppy
io747: Break Free From Plastic!
io747: cautious start of a firework
io747: happy Valentine! to all my flickr friends
io747: my blue venice
io747: Shapes of Panama
beaconschris5050: Spring Snowflake
beaconschris5050: Snowdrops
Luísa Mota: Notodontidae caterpillar
tods_photo: Eurasian Bullfinch
tods_photo: Eurasian Bullfinch
tods_photo: Bluethroat
tods_photo: Among flies
tods_photo: Eurasian Hobby
tods_photo: Brambling
tods_photo: Jack Snipe
tods_photo: Hawfinch
tods_photo: Great Tit
tods_photo: Long-tailed Tit
tods_photo: Robin
tods_photo: Crested Tit
tods_photo: Short-eared owl
tods_photo: Short-eared owl
tods_photo: Waiting for the next meal...
tods_photo: Common Wood Pigeon
tods_photo: Crested Tit
tods_photo: Dipper
John Mann UK: Ilex Hairstreak Satyrium ilicis Lefkas Greece a