packetofseeds: Can You Guess What Paul is Saying?
packetofseeds: IMG_2618
packetofseeds: The Gentry Girls
packetofseeds: Choir Practice
packetofseeds: Me at the Grand v. 2
packetofseeds: Me at the Grand
packetofseeds: Paul at the Grand America
packetofseeds: IMG_2587
packetofseeds: Having Lunch with My Cousin, Uncle, Aunt and Brother
packetofseeds: IMG_2590
packetofseeds: My Cousin Nancy and I at My Uncle Elden & Marcine's Home
packetofseeds: Elden Price and Paul Price
packetofseeds: Painting above the Supreme Court at the Utah Capitol Building
packetofseeds: Painting at the Utah Capitol Building Above the House of Representatives' Chamber
packetofseeds: Chandelier at the Capitol Building
packetofseeds: IMG_2597
packetofseeds: Window above Utah Governor's Office in the Utah Capitol Building
packetofseeds: Old Midnight Blue Cadillac at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building (Old Hotel Utah) in Salt Lake City
packetofseeds: In Front of the Cadillac
packetofseeds: Display Celebrating 100 Year Anniversary of the "Hotel Utah"
packetofseeds: Oh So Gorgeous Colleen
packetofseeds: Paul and Colleen in Front of the Salt Lake Temple
packetofseeds: IMG_2605
packetofseeds: IMG_2606
packetofseeds: L to R: Marty, Becky, Colleen, Jayne, Jill, Karen, Paul
packetofseeds: IMG_2608
packetofseeds: IMG_2609
packetofseeds: Welcome
packetofseeds: Paul at the Salt Lake Temple
packetofseeds: Paul on the Steps