mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1986 - Merci à mes amis(es) Flickr - Thank you my Flickr friends.
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: What the day has to offer....
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1983F - Practicing detachment.
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1975F - Éclats de couleurs.
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1964 - The features I once thought hideously distorted now seem in perfect proportion.
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1961 - If I compare, I lose
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1959 - While waiting for spring....
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1945 - La nature à son meilleur.
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1943 - Jardin Botanique de Montréal
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1936 - I was'nt born this way, I've learn.
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1926 - What behavior could I change today to give myself and others a second chance?
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1916 - De l'or en pépites.
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1918 - Force de la nature.
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1910 - Are there motives in my humor other than expressing fun?
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1908 - All I really need is willingness, courage and an open mind. (Explore)
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1903 - Sunshine in my front yard.
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1901 - Rain falling on beauty. (Explore)
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1900 - Holding fresh water. (explore)
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1898 - Blue points. (Explore)
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1897 - Joyeuses Pâques.....Happy Easter (Explore)
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1896 - Still waiting for spring. Toujours en attente du printemps