mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: Baie de Fundy, New Brunswick
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: L'immensité de l'ouest Canadien
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: Immense espace de beauté.
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: Dans ma cour ce matin il y avait....
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: Mon voyage dans les Laurentides.
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B2006 - Automne, la glace se forme.
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B2007 - Naturellement légère.
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1965 - Let the understanding, love and peace grow in you one day at the time.
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1962 - Comme la neige a neigée..!
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1950 - Je rêve de faire pousser mes tomates!
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1929 - We are entitled to our own view of things, and we have no right to inflict it on anyone else.
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1922 - Lumière printanière.
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1907 - Couleurs...couleurs....
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1872 - Dans la lumière du matin. In the morning light.
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: B1851 - Dans ma cour...un jardin
mika53 Busy catching up on my invitations.: Enfant observant les canards.