Doctor Christopher:
Interstate 290 Illinois Eisenhower Expressway
Doctor Christopher:
Interstate 290 Illinois Eisenhower Expressway
Doctor Christopher:
Interstate 290 Illinois Eisenhower Expressway
Doctor Christopher:
Interstate 290 Illinois Eisenhower Expressway
Doctor Christopher:
Interstate 290 Illinois Eisenhower Expressway
Doctor Christopher:
To US Highway 20 and Illinois Rt 64
Doctor Christopher:
Interstate 290 Illinois Eisenhower Expressway
Doctor Christopher:
Interstate 290 Illinois Eisenhower Expressway
Doctor Christopher:
Interstate 290 Illinois Eisenhower Expressway
Doctor Christopher:
To US Highway 20 and West Illinois 64
Doctor Christopher:
to Illinois Route 72 Lee Street
Doctor Christopher:
to TOLLWAY/EXPRESSWAY Interstate 90 Illinois and Interstate 190 Illinois
Doctor Christopher:
TOLLWAY Interstate 294 Illinois to Interstate 90 Illinois and Interstate 190 Illinois
Doctor Christopher:
to Interstate 290 Illinois and TOLLWAY Interstate 294 Illinois
Doctor Christopher:
Interstate 88 Illinois East-West Tollway/CKC Illinois Route 110 Chicago-Kansas City Expressway
Doctor Christopher:
Back in Illinois
Doctor Christopher:
to US Highway 51 and Illinois Route 75
Doctor Christopher:
Interstate 90-39 Illinois/ US Highway 51
Doctor Christopher:
A view of Interstate 90-39 Illinois/ US Highway 51
Doctor Christopher:
to Interstate 39 Illinois/ US Highway 51-20
Doctor Christopher:
to Interstate 90 Illinois, Interstate 39 Illinois/ US Highway 51
Doctor Christopher:
to US Highway 20
Doctor Christopher:
to Tollway Interstate 88 Illinois/CKC Illinois Route 110 and Illinois 38
Doctor Christopher:
to Tollway Interstate 88 Illinois/CKC Illinois Route 110
Doctor Christopher:
On to Tollway Interstate 88 Illinois/CKC Illinois Route 110
Doctor Christopher:
to Tollway Interstate 88 Illinois/CKC Illinois Route 110
Doctor Christopher:
goodbye Interstate 39 Illinois/ US Highway 51
Doctor Christopher:
to Illinois Route 38-23
Doctor Christopher:
to Interstate 90-39 Wisconsin
Doctor Christopher:
to US Highway 51 and Illinois Route 75 on Interstate 90-39 Illinois