The Ale Guy: Butterfly Bush
The Ale Guy: DSC_0047.JPG
The Ale Guy: DSC_0051 (2).JPG
The Ale Guy: DSC_0126 (2).JPG
The Ale Guy: DSC_0064.JPG
The Ale Guy: DSC_0060 (2).JPG
The Ale Guy: DSC_0059 (2).JPG
The Ale Guy: DSC_0053 (2).JPG
The Ale Guy: DSC_0102 (2).JPG
The Ale Guy: DSC_0080.JPG
The Ale Guy: African Birds of Paradise
The Ale Guy: DSC_0076.JPG
The Ale Guy: DSC_0063 (2).JPG
The Ale Guy: DSC_0035 (2).JPG
The Ale Guy: DSC_0216.JPG
The Ale Guy: Sun Flowers
The Ale Guy: Flowers with a new 50 mm lens
The Ale Guy: Dandelion
The Ale Guy: DSC_0204 (2)
The Ale Guy: White Tea Rose
The Ale Guy: IMG_20200619_174711
The Ale Guy: White Rose
The Ale Guy: Blue roses
The Ale Guy: pink rose bud
The Ale Guy: CIMG2470
The Ale Guy: PXL_20210623_222531847
The Ale Guy: DSC_0031
The Ale Guy: DSC_0184
The Ale Guy: flower
The Ale Guy: flower1