David & Cheryl M: Charlotte and Lydia at the Diana & Dodi Memorial, Harrod's, London
David & Cheryl M: Natural History Museum, London
David & Cheryl M: Inside the Natural History Museum, London
David & Cheryl M: Buckingham Palace, London
David & Cheryl M: The statues outside Buckingham Palace, London
David & Cheryl M: Buckingham Palace, London
David & Cheryl M: Lydia & Charlotte outside Buckingham Palace, London
David & Cheryl M: The Mall, London
David & Cheryl M: Buckingham Palace, London
David & Cheryl M: Big Ben, London
David & Cheryl M: Big Ben, London
David & Cheryl M: The Houses of Parliament, London
David & Cheryl M: Westminster Abbey, London
David & Cheryl M: The Tower of London
David & Cheryl M: A view along the Thames, London
David & Cheryl M: The gherkin and the Tower of London
David & Cheryl M: Tower Bridge, London
David & Cheryl M: Lydia and Charlotte by the Thames, London
David & Cheryl M: Tower Bridge, London
David & Cheryl M: The Tower of London
David & Cheryl M: St Paul's Cathedral, London
David & Cheryl M: Nelson's Column, Trafalgar Square, London
David & Cheryl M: Ham House, near Richmond
David & Cheryl M: Ham House, near Richmond
David & Cheryl M: Ham House, near Richmond
David & Cheryl M: Ham House, near Richmond
David & Cheryl M: Ham House, near Richmond
David & Cheryl M: Ham House, near Richmond
David & Cheryl M: Ham House, near Richmond
David & Cheryl M: The Thames at Ham, London