rick cottontree:
shire post wax stamp shire penny
rick cottontree:
rick cottontree:
rick cottontree:
rick cottontree:
rick cottontree:
coin from lothlorien, galadriel image
rick cottontree:
coin from lothlorien, galadriel image
rick cottontree:
galadriel coin from shire post lotr
rick cottontree:
lead/ pewter castings
rick cottontree:
fitting pewter button to cocobolo to make handle for wax stamp
rick cottontree:
fitting pewter button to cocobolo to make handle for wax stamp
rick cottontree:
fitting pewter button to cocobolo to make handle for wax stamp
rick cottontree:
cocobolo handle for my pewter wax stamp made from shire post galadriel coin
rick cottontree:
cocobolo handle for my pewter wax stamp made from shire post galadriel coin
rick cottontree:
cocobolo wax stamp handle made like handle of striders elven dagger
rick cottontree:
2 wax stamps
rick cottontree:
cocobolo wax stamp handle
rick cottontree:
wax stamps
rick cottontree:
raven penny wax stamp and seal
rick cottontree:
raven penny seal
rick cottontree:
reverse side of a shire penny wax stamp
rick cottontree:
reverse side shire penny seal
rick cottontree:
reverse side of galadriel coin wax stamp
rick cottontree:
reverse side galadriel coin seal
rick cottontree:
a wax stamp from shire post of a shire penny
rick cottontree:
shire penny wax seal
rick cottontree:
rick cottontree:
rick cottontree:
rick cottontree: