rick cottontree: thomas room in a pile
rick cottontree: thom room one wall at a time
rick cottontree: thom room mess
rick cottontree: thom room all in a pile
rick cottontree: thom room all his stuff
rick cottontree: i made this dresser
rick cottontree: thom room fan blades
rick cottontree: thom room fan parts
rick cottontree: thom room ceiling fan
rick cottontree: thom closet door 1
rick cottontree: thom closet door 2
rick cottontree: thom closet door 3
rick cottontree: thom closet door 4
rick cottontree: thom closet door 5
rick cottontree: thom closet door 6
rick cottontree: thom closet door 7
rick cottontree: thom room finished
rick cottontree: thom room painting door
rick cottontree: thom room carpet
rick cottontree: thom room carpet
rick cottontree: thomas room drapes
rick cottontree: finally tiled the hall bath floor
rick cottontree: dining room begining to empty
rick cottontree: from living room
rick cottontree: moving things into living room
rick cottontree: table in kitchen
rick cottontree: filling up living room
rick cottontree: what a mess
rick cottontree: paper wont peel
rick cottontree: texture over paper