Ivan Radic: Austrian man protesting vax mandate holding sign with text "My Body My Choice" and an image of a scratched through vaccine
Ivan Radic: Attractive Austrian girls at anti-vax mandate protest holding "Unvaxxed sperm is the next Bitcoin" sign
Ivan Radic: Protester at a rally against vaccine mandate wearing a gas mask and NBC suit
Ivan Radic: Austrian vax mandate protester holding a sign with the message "No experiments on me"
Ivan Radic: Austrian vax mandate protester with a giant syringe hanging down his neck
Ivan Radic: Protester at anti-vax mandate rally holding a sign with text "Govern me harder, daddy!"
Ivan Radic: Anti-vax sticker on the tarmac in Vienna during a rally against vaccine mandate
Ivan Radic: Protest sign showing the difference between our lives before and during Coronavirus pandemic
Ivan Radic: Sign on tarmac at anti-vax mandate protest in Austria with text "Together we are ONE. FREEDOM, PEACE & UNITY"
Ivan Radic: People protesting vax mandate in Austria jokingly claim that unvaxxed sperm will be the next Bitcoin
Ivan Radic: Woman at vax mandate protest holding sign with message "Don't fear the government!"
Ivan Radic: Sign at vax mandate protest with text "People of the world unite! Defeat Covid fascism"
Ivan Radic: Protester at vaccine mandate rally holding a sign with text "No Green Pass"
Ivan Radic: Person protesting vax mandate wearing a shirt with text "I am not vaccinated. I'm in the control group of the experiment"
Ivan Radic: Woman protesting vax mandate in Austria holding sign with text "Stand up for your rights"
Ivan Radic: Protester at protest against vax mandate protest holding sign with message "No forced vaccine"
Ivan Radic: Sign with text "Freedom to choose. Informed consent. Bodily integrity. Nuremberg code". Protest against vax mandate in Austria
Ivan Radic: Anti-vaccine mandate protester holding sign "Shut down 5G"
Ivan Radic: Protester holding sign with text "Unvaxxed control group. Team leader". Anti-vaccine mandate rally in Austria
Ivan Radic: Protester with a sign on his back with text "Unvaccinated lives matter". Protest against vaccine mandate in Austria
Ivan Radic: Sign with crossed out text "Great Reset" left stuck to a railing in Vienna, Austria
Ivan Radic: Woman with her husband protesting vaccine mandate is Pro Choice in regard to vaccination
Ivan Radic: Person protesting vaccine mandate in Austria is holding a "Stop Discrimination" sign
Ivan Radic: Anti-vaccine mandate protester is holding a sign with message "Stop your force"
Ivan Radic: Mann bei Demo gegen Impfzwang trägt Plakat mit Text "Schluss mit dem Lockdown Terror"
Ivan Radic: Demonstrant bei Demo gegen Impfflicht hält Demoschild mit durchgestrichenem Text "Impf-Apartheid"
Ivan Radic: Mann bei Demo gegen Impfflicht demonstriert gegen die Impf-Apartheid
Ivan Radic: Demonstrant demonstriert für Freiheit und gegen Impfpflicht
Ivan Radic: Wiener demonstrieren gegen Impfflicht und für freie Entscheidung
Ivan Radic: Demoplakat bei Demo gegen Impfpflicht mit Text "Schluss mit Spaltung"