artistmac: State Street, south toward Madison
artistmac: State Street, north toward Washington
artistmac: Wacker Drive from the State St. Bridge
artistmac: State Street, south across Wacker Dr.
artistmac: Marina City
artistmac: Ping Tom Park
artistmac: Ford Show in Niles, IL
artistmac: Leaning Tower of Pisa Replica, Niles, IL
artistmac: East on Washington past the Reliance Building
artistmac: Northwest on Washington across Dearborn
artistmac: North across Washington between State and Dearborn
artistmac: Northeast across Washington toward State Street
artistmac: Carson Pirie Scott & Co.
artistmac: Marshall Field's, NW corner of State & Washington
artistmac: NE across Block 37 construction site
artistmac: ENE from Dearborn down Washington
artistmac: Dead Man's Alley, Stewart btwn 45th St. and 46th Pl.
artistmac: Dead Man's Alley, Stewart btwn 45th St. and 46th Pl.
artistmac: Dead Man's Alley, Stewart btwn 45th St. and 46th Pl.
artistmac: Dead Man's Alley, Stewart btwn 45th St. and 46th Pl.
artistmac: Dead Man's Alley, Stewart btwn 45th St. and 46th Pl.
artistmac: Dead Man's Alley, Stewart btwn 45th St. and 46th Pl.
artistmac: Dead Man's Alley, Stewart btwn 45th St. and 46th Pl.
artistmac: Amtrak Excursion Train, 5/4/2008
artistmac: Amtrak Excursion Train, 5/4/2008
artistmac: Amtrak Excursion Train, 5/4/2008
artistmac: Amtrak Excursion Train, 5/4/2008
artistmac: Amtrak Excursion Train, 5/4/2008
artistmac: Amtrak Excursion Train, 5/4/2008
artistmac: Amtrak Excursion Train, 5/4/2008