Hugh Denholm: The golden age of cinema
Hugh Denholm: A shopping enquiry
Hugh Denholm: Serenade
Hugh Denholm: Band of angels
Hugh Denholm: Evening market
Hugh Denholm: Pavement conversations
Hugh Denholm: Beached
Hugh Denholm: Cockpit
Hugh Denholm: Passer-by perusal
Hugh Denholm: Noodle stall
Hugh Denholm: Electric Dreams
Hugh Denholm: You're never alone with a balloon
Hugh Denholm: Please can I have some more?
Hugh Denholm: Can't remember which note to play next
Hugh Denholm: Thai-Chinese
Hugh Denholm: Beauty and the blender
Hugh Denholm: Over my umbrella-ella
Hugh Denholm: I can put my finger in my ear
Hugh Denholm: Outdoor cinema
Hugh Denholm: M3 shoots M6
Hugh Denholm: The boatyard
Hugh Denholm: 1959 Leica M3
Hugh Denholm: To the horizon
Hugh Denholm: The bay
Hugh Denholm: Elegant service
Hugh Denholm: A bit of a boat
Hugh Denholm: Mother's pride
Hugh Denholm: Phew, what a caulker!
Hugh Denholm: Slow cooked dinner
Hugh Denholm: I name this ship