grigorisgirl: Trafalgar Night
grigorisgirl: As the world rushed by PC Forty Nine and PC Six & Threequarters pondered on what they could nick the lone texter for..
grigorisgirl: Eye over London
grigorisgirl: That old bright young calendar massacre thing
grigorisgirl: EyePod
grigorisgirl: Hanging On
grigorisgirl: J purchases a wooden tie
grigorisgirl: Santa's Little Helpers couldn't believe what Rudolph had left on the roof this year....
grigorisgirl: Buddha Bar, Embankment
grigorisgirl: Being a contrary sort of guy, Giuseppe decided to disprove the old adage that It Takes Two To Tango.
grigorisgirl: Clink Street
grigorisgirl: chains
grigorisgirl: Trains and Boats and Cranes
grigorisgirl: StPaulsforsure
grigorisgirl: Five O'Clock
grigorisgirl: NPG Cafe
grigorisgirl: Just another day atop a plinth
grigorisgirl: Fountains of Youths
grigorisgirl: View from the bridge
grigorisgirl: Your Order
grigorisgirl: One legged man takes well-earned rest
grigorisgirl: Before the Death Eaters
grigorisgirl: St.Pauls
grigorisgirl: Pensioners
grigorisgirl: Jumping
grigorisgirl: Waterloo Sunset
grigorisgirl: Twister??
grigorisgirl: Hard Rock Calling
grigorisgirl: Spring is in the Air