frais99: Kirin and shots
frais99: Ryan's tatami
frais99: Good ad space
frais99: Tri light
frais99: Osaka downtown.wmv
frais99: Jason's Ukulele.wmv
frais99: Either Jason or Josh
frais99: Hostin' boys
frais99: A popular host bar
frais99: Pick ur hostess
frais99: Bar menu
frais99: Hottest host boy I found
frais99: Cool cig poss
frais99: Waitin' for his shejohn
frais99: "Bridge"
frais99: The trio
frais99: 80s lives!
frais99: Neat freaks
frais99: Girl watchin'
frais99: From the bridge
frais99: From the bridge 2
frais99: Sushi bar
frais99: Helllllooooooo kitty
frais99: If it fits
frais99: Dragon ball z
frais99: Confusion
frais99: Aussie was here
frais99: Red tomato
frais99: Tomato at work
frais99: Big red