frais99: Our Olympic tix
frais99: Hooters.wmv
frais99: Shanghai bund.wmv
frais99: Jose and all hooter girls
frais99: Bunny and all hooter girls
frais99: Hooters' girls
frais99: Hooters' girl
frais99: Hooters' cover girl
frais99: DEE hooter girl
frais99: Another hooteret
frais99: I joined
frais99: Vivian
frais99: Stadium at nite
frais99: Stadium at nite 2
frais99: Stadium at nite 3
frais99: Cleanin' crew
frais99: Big monitor
frais99: It's Jose!!
frais99: And Bunny!!
frais99: Football game
frais99: Motion shot
frais99: Motion shot 2
frais99: Red devil fans
frais99: Jose's hooter
frais99: Yeah! Owl
frais99: Hooter hooters
frais99: HOOTERS!
frais99: Red devil fan
frais99: Love that hair
frais99: Lite up