lancej1s: at Blanco Shoals_080
lancej1s: bastard cabbage_089
lancej1s: black birds_071
lancej1s: Blanco and rail bridge_092
lancej1s: Capes dam_050
lancej1s: Capes dam_076
lancej1s: early start_048
lancej1s: high in the tree_055
lancej1s: living process_056
lancej1s: no tree plenty of BC_083
lancej1s: on a different river_0256
lancej1s: pecan grove_077
lancej1s: puffy coat_067
lancej1s: Red shouldered hawk_068
lancej1s: Redwing black birds_073
lancej1s: scanning the sky_075
lancej1s: shrumbs_057
lancej1s: tree planting area_088
lancej1s: mixing seed_20814
lancej1s: Purple three-awn grass seed_20813
lancej1s: seed distribution_20808
lancej1s: rattlesnake_20806
lancej1s: moving on_20805
lancej1s: work stoppage_20803
lancej1s: rattlesnake_20798
lancej1s: sign-in_20792
lancej1s: instructions_20812