lancej1s: set-up_6022
lancej1s: Cody adjusting strap_6023
lancej1s: 1st try_6026
lancej1s: 1st placement_6027
lancej1s: lifting shackle_6028
lancej1s: Steve on where the bridge goes_6029
lancej1s: highpoint_6030
lancej1s: anchor strap_6032
lancej1s: lifting block_6033
lancej1s: gearing up_6035
lancej1s: threading the block_6038
lancej1s: checking the griphoist_6039
lancej1s: Cody lifting_Ken pulling_6043
lancej1s: main strap-lifting_6044
lancej1s: attachment_6046
lancej1s: Al_6047
lancej1s: Al & Kevin_6048
lancej1s: Cody at anchor_6051
lancej1s: Steve checking placement_6053
lancej1s: Ken on pulling griphoist_6054
lancej1s: lifting strap_6055
lancej1s: group photo_6057
lancej1s: main pulley_6058